Day 13: Gorongosa National Park
In today’s activities, pupils will learn about Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique.
They will discover how Irish Aid support plants, animals and people in Mozambique through the Gorongosa Restoration Project.
Pupils will learn key terms, such as restoration, biodiversity and more. Activities will encourage pupils to make connections between the Global Goals, explore Ireland’s own biodiversity and encourage reading/writing development and creativity.
Below are some helpful instructions to guide you through today’s activities. Please note downloads are available in Irish and English.
Step 1: Read Irish Aid and Gorongosa National Park
Learn about the different creatures that live in Gorongosa and how Irish Aid work to support the park.
Step 2: Watch Gorongosa Wildlife to see some of the unique animals!
Step 4: Complete an Activity
Choose one (or more) of the activities below
Patterns in Nature
Design a nature photo frame and colour in some of the animals found in Gorongosa National Park
The Spirit of a Tree is Shade
Discover this poem about the spirit of a tree. Try to translate the poem into another language or write your very own poem about a tree
Rainforests on Mount Gorongosa
Dive deeper and read to learn about Mozambique’s mountain rainforests
Gorongosa and the Global Goals
Which of the Global Goals can you link to your learning today?
Want to go further?
Take a Hike
Go on a local Nature Hunt (with an adult in your home) to see if you can find some of Ireland’s common plant and wildlife nearby.
Steps for People and Planet
Draw what you think our world will be like in 2030 if all 17 Global Goals are achieved