Getting Started


1. Using our Food for Life pupils’ magazine and lesson plan become inspired by the Our World Irish Aid Awards 2023/2024 theme (Food for Life), Irish Aid’s work and/or the Global Goals. 
2. Encourage your pupils to come up with a creative written or multi-media piece that shows their learning.
3. Submit their work to us (in English or Irish!) with an entry form for a chance to feature in our 2024 national online Global Goal Getters issue (releasing in March 2024).

Project Ideas

Pupils can work alone, with one friend, in a small group or with your entire class to send us pieces like:

or something else…it’s up to you!

Tip: get pupils to look at the different features and activities in the 2023 Global Goal Getters issues and other magazines and remember, because its online, the format of what can be included is wide open; pupils can submit a video, audio, or written piece.