Irish Aid supporting Gender Equality
Read all about Irish Aid’s progress supporting Gender Equality! Follow this link to read about how Irish Aid is supporting and promoting the education of young girls in South Sudan and Jordan. Learn about how Nyanyok in South Sudan was able to go back to school with the help of the organisation World Vision which […]
Introducing FOOD FOR LIFE!
The theme for this year’s Our World Irish Aid Awards is Food For Life. We would like to invite pupil’s of 3rd – 6th class to learn about the Global Goals and the work of Irish Aid through the curriculum linked Global Citizenship Education material available to download from our website. Sign up to […]
The Global Goal Getters
There are two issues of the Global Goal Getters published in the Springtime, as well as a final annual issue that showcases student learning about topics such as Global Citizenship and the Global Goals. It features amazing projects from across Ireland incorporating the Awards’ theme and the work of Irish Aid. We’re excited to create […]
Principal’s Packs
This November, we’re sending all principals in Ireland a copy of our Global Goal Getters Annual 2021! Check it out to see all the wonderful work created as part of last year’s programme and to get inspired for how your school can participate this year. Sign up for our mailing list here to receive the […]
DISCOVER – Interactive Magazine Templates
We’ve created interactive magazine templates (digital and print versions), designed to inspire and guide your pupils to develop a magazine page or entire magazine spread, based on the topics they explored in our Partnership for the Goals magazine and lesson plans. This creative tool encourages a student-centred approach that enables an entire school, whole class, […]
Global Goal Getters – Open Submissions
Submissions are open and ongoing until the end of April for our third issue of the Global Goal Getters, our new online magazines, by kids, for kids. Each magazine will showcase children’s voices and perspectives nationwide on topics such as the Global Goals, the work of Irish Aid and Global Citizenship. By submitting an entry, […]
Activity-packed Resources
Our Partnership for the Goals magazine and curriculum-linked lesson plans are sure to spark your students’ interest! All resources are available in English and Irish and geared towards pupils in 3rd – 6th class. In January, 2021 we’ll be releasing Lesson Plans 2 – 4, so you’ll have the opportunity to learn even more about […]
Share your Work with Irish Aid!
Irish Aid wants your help to spread the word about the Global Goals. Share the activities your pupils or children completed from our At Home Learning resources with us on Facebook @ourworldirishaidawards or via email [email protected]
National Final and Winners
Our National Final took place in the Printworks, Dublin Castle, on June 20th. It was a great day which celebrated the hard work of the pupils and teachers from the 12 shortlisted schools. Thank you to all of the schools who attended the event and we hope to see you again next year! Three additional […]
2018 National Finalists
Our Regional Finals have now taken place in Sligo, Dublin, Limerick and Cork! Thank you to all of the schools who attended these events, and congratulations on being shortlisted! Three schools from each region will now go forward to our National Finals in the Printworks, Dublin Castle, on June 20th. These schools are as follows: […]